Financial adoption of children with a mental disability in Tanzania

Financial adoption of children with a mental disability in Tanzania


Umoja-Center is a co-operation between Umoja Belgium and Umoja I-NGO Tanzania. Umoja is active in Moshi, a town at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in the beautiful country of Tanzania. To discover which projects we have already successfully completed click here to take a look.

Why Financial Adoption?


Thanks to your support we can offer opportunities to a child and their family to improve the quality of their lives. Umoja provides practical training leading to self-reliance – and with the possibility to generate an income.


We believe that it is important to create a connection between people over the whole world. Unity created from diversity. Umoja in a nutshell.


The most powerful emotions that our volunteers experience in our training centers are gratitude and motivation. Because working between and with the local population, deeds mean more than words. The growing smile and beaming eyes are signs of life – and a quality of life.


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